Состав: Aloe barbadensis * (гель алоэ вера), экстракт дистиллята hamamelis virginiana (ведьма), молочная кислота (натуральная фруктовая кислота), малеиновая кислота (натуральная фруктовая кислота), гликолевая кислота (натуральная фруктовая кислота), камелия sinensis (японский зеленый чай) экстракта, алантоина, эфирного масла роза сантифолиа (роза), эфирного масла salvia officinalis (шалфея), эфи... Подробнее...
Aloe barbadensis * (гель алоэ вера), экстракт дистиллята hamamelis virginiana (ведьма), молочная кислота (натуральная фруктовая кислота), малеиновая кислота (натуральная фруктовая кислота), гликолевая кислота (натуральная фруктовая кислота), камелия sinensis (японский зеленый чай) экстракта, алантоина, эфирного масла роза сантифолиа (роза), эфирного масла salvia officinalis (шалфея), эфирного масла rosmarinus officinalis (розмарина), эфирного масла из цветка ромашки anthemis nobilis (ромашки).
Маркировка ингредиентов придерживается международных стандартов INCI.
Безопасный для клейковины
* Сертифицированный органический
Нет GMO's
;После очищения, расплыите тоник 3-4 раза непосредственно на лицо, промокните ватным тампоном или ладонью. Дайте высохнуть или протрите ватным тампоном. Можно также использовать в течение дня, чтобы зафиксировать макияж или просто для освежения лица. Используйте затем увлажняющий крем.
Когда пробуете новый продукт, для начала протестируйте его на чувствительность на небольшом участке кожи.
;Внимание - Не разбрызгивайте в глаза.
;The DeVita Story...
For nearly my entire life my skin had suffered from chronic cystic acne, and then when my 40s hit, so did the ravages of the? Arizona sun I had lived in all my adult life. After spending many hundreds of dollars on expensive "name brand" products, which did nothing except break down my bank account and break out my face, I decided to use my background in chemistry to "deconstruct" those well known high priced potions. I discovered there was nothing in them that would do what they claimed, nor was there any ingredient used that should be so costly. And then, to top it all off, they were all loaded with poison and preservatives!
After that sad discovery, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands. At that time, I had a small essential oils company, and I began working with organic aloe vera as a dynamic delivery system together with cutting edge advancements in active natural ingredients to create the beginnings of an effective natural products line. I began using them and getting great results, which all my family and friends noticed. They, of course demanded to be let in on my secret; so after exhaustive and extensive research and development — DeVita Natural Skin Care was born!
For over ten years now DeVita has been dedicated to developing beautifully pure age defying skin care products. DeVita now brings that care and expertise to their exclusive line of color cosmetics - |ab·so·lute| minerals
Just great, healthy coverage you can count on absolutely...
|ab·so·lute| minerals
Ask for it by name.
Stop and Smell the Roses...
For centuries, rose oil has been used for its astringent, toning, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects. Its multiple benefits make rose oil a highly valuable ingredient in natural skin care products. But why use a toner?! Because toners are important. Toners remove any residuals left behind after cleansing; they help to normalize hydration levels and open the skin's receptor sites so that it can receive the full benefit of any treatment products, or moisturizers that follow. Our extremely gentle blend of naturally active fruit acids helps to promote the feeling of smoother, fresher-looking skin. Our natural astringents of Rosemary and Sage also assist in reducing the appearance of pore size, and our natural rosa centifolia helps to quell and calm any visible appearance of redness and reactivity. So use a toner — your skin will say "thanks for the roses"!
"Guided By Nature, Driven By Science"
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